Setting up Home Assistant so I can get home assisted

Setting up Home Assistant so I can get home assisted

And finally came the day that I bought my first IoT gadget. It is a Broadlink RM4C Mini that I’m using to power on and off my old non-smart stuff. I’m already using alexa to control it, but not only it is limited to my smartphone as I don’t have full control over it. So on this post I’m going to write what I did to set it up on a LXD + Docker setup.

Some Exports

Some variables in case I return here some day:

export CONTAINER='example'
export IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04
export HOST_ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
export MY_TIME_ZONE=America/Fortaleza

Creating the container

Launch the container:

lxc launch $IMAGE $CONTAINER

If desired, edit the container description:

lxc config edit $CONTAINER

Upgrade all packages:

lxc exec $CONTAINER -- apt update
lxc exec $CONTAINER -- apt upgrade -y

Installing Docker

To install docker we must enable nesting, do this by running:

lxc stop $CONTAINER
lxc config set $CONTAINER security.nesting true
lxc start $CONTAINER

Install dependencies:

lxc exec $CONTAINER -- apt install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release

Get docker’s GPG key:

lxc exec $CONTAINER -- bash -c "curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg"

Set up the repository:

export CONTAINER_RELEASE=$(lxc exec $CONTAINER -- lsb_release -cs)
lxc exec $CONTAINER -- bash -c "echo 'deb [arch=$HOST_ARCH signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $CONTAINER_RELEASE stable' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null"

Update and install docker:

lxc exec $CONTAINER -- bash -c "apt update && apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y"

Installing home assistant

Create a folder where your configuration will be stored:

lxc exec $CONTAINER -- mkdir -p /docker_binds/homeassistant/config

Now start the Docker container:

lxc exec $CONTAINER -- docker run -d --name homeassistant --restart=unless-stopped -e TZ=$MY_TIME_ZONE -v /docker_binds/homeassistant/config:/config -p $HOME_ASSISTANT_EXTERNAL_PORT:8123

Expose the container port:

lxc config device add $CONTAINER homeassistant8123 proxy listen=tcp:$HOME_ASSISTANT_EXTERNAL_PORT connect=tcp:$HOME_ASSISTANT_EXTERNAL_PORT

This should do it. The rest is all about going to the web interface and set up Home Assistant graphically. You may refer to the official guide to see what to do next.

We’re done!
